Tuesday, December 29, 2009

YMCA, paints, snow and funny baby

We checked out the YMCA today, and I was pretty impressed. For the cost that I would expect to spend for one gym membership, we can get the whole family in to the gym, the pool, childcare (which we probably won't use, but glad to know it's there), basketball court, rock climbing wall, and a whole slew of classes. Yoga for me, which I've been missing for the last 2 years. I do it on my own, but it's just not the same as a class. A weight loss, strength training program for D, and a choice of ballet, karate or swim classes for E. There are a lot more classes too, which cost money, but are reasonably priced! So, we're going to start that next month.

I took E to the fabric store to pick up some elastic for some pants that my mom made her. They are beautiful pants and she made a vest to go with them. While we were at the store, E picked out some paint and a plain wooden lady bug. I wish my camera was working so I could show a picture of it. It looks really neat the way she painted it.

We played with playdough today and danced to a pirate cd I got from the library. Hillarious songs! Then it started to snow- we got a few inches and it was enough to make a snowman. The perfect kind of snow for snowman making too! Just wet enough and sticky, but not slushy.

L is really getting a personality. Last night she started saying "FUNNY!" and then trying to do things to make us laugh. She kept jumping off the ottoman, and falling down on purpose. And every time she'd jump up and say "FUNNY!" in this awesome little baby voice. She also keeps saying "fluffy" but we think she means "fly me" because we have been flying her up in the air.

It was a beautiful day- I love these kinds of days, but I keep having to remind myself "it's not about the day, it's about the moment." I'm trying not to write off whole days as "bad days" anymore. Sometimes we have bad moments, but then we have the choice to make the next moment better. (thank you Always Learning list!)

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