Wednesday, September 29, 2010

More Connections with China

After E's recent interest in Chinese dance and boats, I saw that there was a Chinese Autumn Moon festival at the Chinese gardens. We really wanted to see the Lion Dance, but due to some car trouble, we got there just as they finished up. We were pretty bummed out, but at least the girls did get to see the lion that stuck around after the dance. It was one of those huge two person costumes, red and fuzzy and covered in rhinestones and other sparkly things. The girl inside the head did a great job with the kids! The lion would come up to them and gently nibble at the kids clothes with its mouth which was bigger than their heads. With the kids that were braver, she'd stand up, so the lion was towering over them and shake the mane. The kids who were more hesitant got to pet the wagging tail.

They had a coloring stations set up with pictures of moon cake and tea for the kids to color. We learned that moon cake is a traditional food for the Autumn Moon and E wanted to try some. We went over to their tea house and had moon cake and tea. The tea was in a pot that had all the cranberries, tea leaves and orange peel inside and then a filter, so when it was poured out, only the tea came out. So the girls got to see how the tea was made. We explored the gardens for a few hours and they were really fascinated by the fish in the pond, the architecture and the water fall.

There was also someone dressed up in a Panda costume and both girls loved that, but especially L. For days she was talking about the "Paba Beaw!"

We went home to get D so the girls could show him everything and so I could try out their free acupuncture demonstration. When I went to sign up for the acupuncture they wouldn't let me do it because I'm pregnant though. :(

I told D about the moon cakes and what the ingredients are. He said "Oh, yah I know all the ingredients in them." How did he know that?! A video game. One of his video games is from China and one of the quests is to find all the ingredients for the moon cake. That was a cool connection!

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